Sunday, April 28, 2013

TOPO® PCR Cloning - Meet the Inventor Series

Learn more at This is an interview with Dr Jon Chesnut Life Technologies where he discusses his teams scientific discoveries and inventions that lead to products from Life Technologies. - My name is Jon Chesnut, I'm a Research Fellow in synthetic biology, R&D. Tell us about working with TOPO® Cloning Technology TOPO® is one of my favorite technologies that I've been associated with here. Back in the day probably our biggest product was TA Cloning®. So this was a way of quickly capturing Taq-amplified PCR products and that presented a brand new paradigm for cloning researchers. And it was the novel thing on the market, no one else had it, and when we were a small company, it really was our bread and butter at the time. [...] And so we batted around the idea and there was a couple people in the R&D department that really championed TOPO® Cloning and applied it to TA Cloning and we saw the mix there, kinda that sliced bread moment. We worked on it for some time but it pretty much fell together that we could create a TA TOPO® Cloning kit. It took our TA Cloning kit, which was the industry standard, and moved it into a completely new paradigm. It was so efficient, the customer just had to add a micro liter of the TOPO® vector to their PCR product and they would get a plateful of colonies the next day. Customer's technical ability out of the equation, all they had to do was take a micro liter from this tube, and a micro liter from that tube, let it sit ...

Best Books on Gene Cloning

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