Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Benefits of Human Cloning

Human cloning is the creation of a being, tissue or a cell that is genetically identical to a human. For ethical reasons progress on human cloning has been stalled and debated. Although cloning technology has improved, the success rate remains at around 25%.

There are numerous perceived benefits to human cloning. Some, not exhaustive, are listed below:

1. Cardiac treatment: Today cardiac disease is one of the most lethal diseases on the planet. Scientists believe that they can rebuild a diseased heart by cloning healthy heart cells and injecting them in the damaged area of the diseased heart.

2. Cloning could be the answer to man's eternal quest for the secret of eternal youth. Production of cloned tissue would be helpful in keeping people from aging.

3. Human stem cells could be engineered for adaptability to any organ. Thus nascent cells can be cultivated to produce human organs or tissues which could be used for replacement of damaged organs.

4. Human cloning will answer the prayer of several infertile couples.

5. Silicon gel is currently being used in various surgical applications. This is often rejected or may give rise to immune diseases. Instead of resorting to materials foreign to a person's body, doctors could grow bones, cells and tissues of the person which will eliminate problems of compatibility. This is particularly significant with people requiring facial reconstruction after accidents.

6. An average person is said to host 8 defective genes which will result in disease. Human cloning technology can correct or replace these defective genes thus assuring good health.

Pauline Go is an online leading expert in the medical industry. She also offers top quality articles like :
Human Chromosomes, Mitochondrial DNA

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