Monday, August 12, 2013

How to Clone with Success

Every step here has a reason...either to reduce the stress on the new clone or to encourage root growth. Every drop of water you use will be plain water with 10 ml/gallon Thrive Alive B1 added. You will need to start with a sterile medium. If you use rockwool, you need to soak it for at least 24 hours (plain water and B1) before you use it, otherwise the ph is too alkaline.

Clones should be 4 to 6 inches long. You will have much better success taking your clones from a plant growing in the vegatative stage. Prepare your clones before you actually take them. At the top of each clone there should be a circle of leafy vegatation no larger than the bottom of a pop can. Trim any excess. Trim away any other vegetation along the stem.
To make the cleanest, least damaging cut on the plant, you want to use a sharp razor. Do not use scissors, they will do damage. Wash your hands with soap and water. Pour a little alcohol onto the razor, than rinse it with a little tap water.

Fill an empty container with water and B1 mix. I find 1/2 gallon milk jugs to be very convenient for this.
Open your cloning gel. Hold the branch firm just above the point of your cut. At a 45 degree angle, cut and dip the clone immediately in the gel. Swish it around for a second or two, and place it in the full milk jug. Each milk jug will fit 3 to 4 clones.

Keep the clones under a single fluorescent light, 4 to 6 inches beneath the bulbs. Mist the clones two or three times a day. Do not keep a fan on them, they prefer still, humid air at this point. The very most important thing is to keep them at 72 degrees. Keep them in the jug soaking for no less than 48 hours, and no more than 4 days.

After two days, put each clone into its own rockwool plug or its own container of sterile soilless mix. If using rockwool plugs, keep the end of the clone in the center of the plug, a 1/2 inch up from the bottom of the plug. I use a piece of tape around the center of the plug to keep it closed nicely around the clone.

Place the clones back under the fluorescent light, and continue to mist them 2 to 3 times a day. The first few days, keep them on the wet side. I usually give each one a little squirt with a turkey baster of water and B1 mix. After that, you can start letting them dry out just a little between waterings. Be sure to keep the nice 72 degree temperature.

In 7 to 10 days, you should see roots coming out the sides of your rockwool plugs. Transplant clones into 6 inch containers and begin feeding (mildly) as soon as roots appear. If you follow all these steps, you should have pretty near a 100% success rate....happy cloning!

For more info on cloning success, visit How to Clone with Success

Hi, my name is Jason, from Jason's Indoor Guide. I have ten years experience growing indoors, under lights. No less than two of those years I was using hydroponics methods. It is my goal to improve the results of every organic and hydroponics gardener through accurate, easy to understand information. Jason's Indoor Guide

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