Throughout the mesh of western society's current events arise various issues causing concern surrounding a range of venues of our culture. This idea is exemplified when examining the matter of cloning. The issue of cloning has raised concern from various organizations throughout the western world, and has become a major topic politically, scientifically and medically, as well as morally and ethically. Stereotypically those on the scientific side boast the benefits of cloning, while much negative concern is radiated from those considering the moral and ethical aspects of the process. This is turn creates much political static, as legislation and government backing is vital for either side of the issue to get their way. Clearly the benefits of cloning far outweigh any negative results.
It is clear that when examining the issue logically the benefits of cloning on our society as a whole greatly outweigh any negative moral and/or ethically implications that may be attached. Once carefully examining one's own ideas, as well as those of others, it will become evident that the study and research of cloning is imperative to the forward movement of both scientific knowledge, and medicine.
Many of the opponents of cloning bring up the issue of medical ethics when arguing against its scientific pursuance. On the surface the points made by such persons and organizations seem valid, as they are based on general morals and typical western religions, which implicate common ethics that most could relate to. Despite this, one most realize the time and culture we are living in - one that is as great and advanced as it - has been largely shaped due to the pursuance and discovery of scientific truths and knowledge. I assert that these traditional moral bases actually counterpoint proper social ethics and medical conduct.
Although the point discussed clearly contains much validity towards the proposition of cloning, close-minded opponents may then jump to the extreme of a lack of morals and the negative effects that would follow. Considering this, one must understand that moral structure and medical ethics are actually being pushed forward through the research of cloning, rather than being curtailed or destroyed. Admitting, cloning deals with DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid), as well as the creation and copying of biological materials. At this point the controversy becomes one of personhood and ensoulment. The religious position that contends the arrival of a soul at conception would face discrepancies in arithmetic as genetic material is combined, sliced, and copied in the laboratory. This in itself is considered throughout scientific communities to be the essence of biological life. Moral and ethical issues inevitably arise due to this fact.
As scientific knowledge and research is largely based on experimentation the fact that mistakes will happen and that 'life' will be wasted is a major possibility. This idea, being the cloning opponent's main point, is one that is given very little budge. Although being a valid and very serious point, it becomes more important to look at the big picture of the issue and realize that more lives will saved then wasted. Also the 'life' being wasted is barely life, but rather its building blocks. The cluster of cells that would be 'wasted,' contains no nervous or cognitive system capable of experience. Historically, the Catholic Church did not consider conception as the point of ensoulment, but actually a few weeks subsequent. Ethically, this is a clear decision (consider the possibility of cloning techniques being able to heal a young girl with ninety percent of her body burned). The knowledge and medical advances that would be obtained through such science is clearly invaluable to our culture's advancement.
The concern of cloning has caused alarm from an assortment of associations throughout our society, and has become a major topic politically, scientifically and medically, as well as morally and ethically. Through careful examination of the issue rationally the benefits of cloning research and study outweigh any negative moral and/or ethically repercussions that may go along with it. In fact it could be convincibly argued that negative repercussions are virtually and practically non-existent. Our culture is one where knowledge equals power and the results of scientific research and knowledge can be quickly distributed and positively affects us all in the long run. The knowledge and medical advances that would be obtained through such science is clearly invaluable to our culture's advancement.
Anthony is a philosopher, writer, and web developer. He blogs at Philosophy Explained []
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