Monday, June 10, 2013

Gene Therapy - A New Treatment For Cancer?

As science has advanced, doctors and researchers have understood and perfected the method of manipulating genes. Researchers have now realized that they can use gene therapy as a way prevent and fight certain diseases, including cancer. Basically gene therapy is introduction of genetic material, DNA and/or RNA, into a person's cells in order to fight a disease.

At the moment, gene therapy is still in clinical trial stage and is being tested on human subjects. However, it is not available as a regular treatment for cancer for cancer patients. However, clinical trials have shown results that are extremely optimistic. One approach being used by geneticists is to make healthy cells stronger to fight cancer while the other approach is to target the cancer cells and destroy them. Some of the techniques used in clinical trials of gene therapy to fight cancer are as follows:

o In one technique, researchers are working at replacing the altered genes with healthy ones. This is based on studies and premise that show, altered genes may cause cancer while replacing these genes with similar healthy copies can prevent the development of cancer.
o The best way to cure cancer is to enhance a patient's immune system so that it can attack the cancer cells. Researchers are studying various methods to stimulate a person's immune system to increase its ability to fight cancer cells.
o Another study being conducted is injecting cancer cells into the genes so that they become more receptive to the different cancer treatments. In addition, they are working to ensure that healthy cells become more resistant to the side effects of anti-cancer drugs.
o In another technique, researchers inject certain genes into cancer cells so that they can destroy these cells. In this approach, the patient in the human clinical trial is given an inactive form of a toxic drug, known as pro-drug, containing these genes which become active when they enter the cancer cells leading to their destruction.

Pauline Go is an online leading expert in health care industry. She also offers top quality articles like:

Effects of Brain Cancer, Nadir and Chemotherapy

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